Journal Publications
Peng, Y., Phan, T., Zhai, H., Xiong, L., & Zhang, X. (2025). Multiscale computational analysis of crack initiation at the grain boundaries in hydrogen-charged bi-crystalline alpha-iron. International Journal of Plasticity, 184, 104182.
Wu, W., Zhai, H., & Holubnyak, E. (2024). Technological evolution of large-scale blue hydrogen production toward the U.S. Hydrogen Energy Earthshot. Nature Communications, 15, 5684.
Wu, Z., Zhai, H., Holubnyak, E., Gerace, S., Murphy, A., & Biggs, C. (2024). Unlocking potential for low-carbon hydrogen production from U.S. natural gas resources. Environmental Science & Technology, 58(42), 18484–18495 .
Zheng, S., Zhai, H., Hsu, S.-C., & Armanios, D. (2024). Uneven distributions in energy conservation services through performance contracts in China. Energy Policy. 187,114024.
Wu, Z., Zhai, H., Grol, E., Able, C., & Siefert, N. (2023). Treatment of brackish water for fossil power plant cooling. Nature Water, 1, 471–483.
Rode, D., Anderson, J., Zhai, H., & Fischbeck, P. (2023). Six principles to guide large-scale carbon capture and storage development. Energy Research and Social Science, 103, 103214.
Rode, D., Anderson, J., Zhai, H., & Fischbeck, P. (2023). Modifying the EPA’s new power plant rules to eliminate unnecessary reliability risks. Environmental Science & Technology, 57(30), 10904–10906 .
Wilfong, W., Ji, T., Bao, Z., Zhai, H., Wang, Q., Duan, Y., Soong, Y., Li, B., Shi, F., & Gray, M. (2023). Big-data analysis and technical review of regeneration for carbon capture processes. Energy & Fuels, 37(16), 11497–11531 .
Ji, T., Zhai, H., Wang, C., Marin, C. M., Wilfong, W. C., Wang, Q., Duan, Y., Xia, R., Jiao, F., Soong, Y., Shi, F., & Gray, M. (2023). Energy-efficient and water-saving sorbent regeneration at near room temperature for direct air capture. Materials Today Sustainability, 21, 100321.
Ji, T., Zhai, H., Wang, C., Culp, J., Marin, C. M., Paudel, H. P., Wilfong, W. C., Duan, Y., Xia, R., Jiao, F., Kail, B., Wang, Q., Soong, Y., Shi, F., & Gray, M. (2022). Microwave-accelerated regeneration of a non-aqueous slurry for energy-efficient carbon sequestration. Materials Today Sustainability, 19, 100168.
Zhang, C., Zhai, H., Cao, L., Li, X., Cheng, F., Peng, L., Tong, K., Meng, J., Yang, L., & Wang, X. (2022). Understanding the complexity of existing fossil-fuel power plant decarbonization. iScience, 25, 104758.
Anderson, J., Rode, D., Zhai, H., & Fischbeck, P. (2022). Fossil fuel options for power sector net-zero emissions with sequestration tax credits. Environmental Science & Technology, 56(16), 11162–11171.
Dindi, A., Coddington, K., Garofalo, J. F., Wu, W., & Zhai, H. (2022). Policy-driven potential for deploying carbon capture and sequestration in a fossil-rich power sector. Environmental Science & Technology, 56(14), 9872–9881.
Zhai, H., & Rubin, E.S. (2022). It is time to invest in 99% CO2 capture. Environmental Science & Technology, 56(14), 9829–9831.
Rode, D., Anderson, J., Zhai, H., & Fischbeck, P. (2022). Many hands make light work: Widening the U.S. path forward from COP26. Environmental Science & Technology, 56(1), 10−12.
Zhai, H., Rubin, E.S., Grol, E.J., O'Connell, A.C., Wu, Z., & Lewis, E.G. (2022). Dry cooling retrofits at existing fossil fuel-fired power plants in a water-stressed region: Tradeoffs in water savings, cost, and capacity shortfalls. Applied Energy, 306, 117997.
Wu, Z. and Zhai, H. (2021). Consumptive life cycle water use of biomass-to-power plants with carbon capture and sequestration. Applied Energy, 303, 117702.
Anderson, J., Rode, D., Zhai, H., & Fischbeck, P. (2021). Transitioning to a carbon-constrained world: Reductions in coal-fired power plant emissions through unit-specific, least-cost mitigation frontiers. Applied Energy, 288, 116599.
Fonseca, F. R., Craig, M., Jaramillo, P., Berges, M., Severnini, E., Loew, A., Zhai, H., Cheng, Y., Nijssen, B., Voisin, N., & Yearsley, J. (2021). Climate-induced tradeoffs in planning and operating costs of a regional electricity system. Environmental Science & Technology, 55(16), 11204−11215.
Fonseca, F. R., Craig, M., Jaramillo, P., Berges, M., Severnini, E., Loew, A., Zhai, H., Cheng, Y., Nijssen, B., Voisin, N., & Yearsley, J. (2021). Effects of climate change on capacity expansion decisions of an electricity generation fleet in the Southeast U.S. Environmental Science & Technology, 55(4), 2522−2531.
Anderson, J., Rode, D., Zhai, H., & Fischbeck, P. (2021). A techno-economic assessment of carbon sequestration tax incentives in the U.S. power sector. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 111, 103450.
Anderson, J., Rode, D., Zhai, H., & Fischbeck, P. (2021). Reducing carbon dioxide emissions beyond 2030: Time to shift U.S. power-sector focus. Energy Policy, 148, 111778.
Loew, A., Jaramillo, P., Zhai, H., Ali, R., Nijssen, B., Cheng, Y., & Klima, K. (2020). Fossil fuel-fired power plant operations under a changing climate. Climatic Change, 163, 619−632.
Anderson, J., Rode, D., Zhai, H., & Fischbeck P. (2020). Future U.S. Energy Policy: Two paths diverge in a wood…does it matter which is taken? Environmental Science & Technology, 54(20), 12807−12809.
Zhai, H. (2019). Deep reductions of committed emissions from existing power infrastructure: Potential paths in the United States and China. Environmental Science & Technology, 53(24), 14097−14098.
Zhai, H. (2019). Advanced membranes and learning scale required for cost-effective post-combustion carbon capture. iScience, 13, 440–451.
Anderson, J., Rode, D., Zhai, H., & Fischbeck, P. (2019). On the road to Paris: The shifting landscape of CO2 reduction. Environmental Science & Technology, 53(21), 12156−12157.
Mantripragada, H., Zhai, H., & Rubin, E.S. (2019). Boundary Dam or Petra Nova – which is a better model for CCS energy supply? International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 82, 59–68.
Peng, W., Wagner, F., Ramana, M. V., Zhai, H., Small, M., Dalin, C., Zhang, X., & Mauzerall, D. L. (2018). Managing China’s coal power plants to address multiple environmental objectives. Nature Sustainability, 1, 693–701.
Lim-Wavde, K., Zhai, H., Kauffman, R., & Rubin, E. S. (2018). Assessing carbon pollution standards: electric power generation pathways and their water impacts. Energy Policy, 120, 714–733.
Anderson, J., Rode, D., Zhai, H., & Fischbeck, P. (2018). Will we always have Paris? CO2 reduction without the Clean Power Plan. Environmental Science & Technology, 52(5), 2432–2433.
Zhai, H., & Rubin, E.S. (2018). Systems analysis of physical absorption of CO2 in ionic liquids for pre-combustion carbon capture. Environmental Science & Technology, 52(8), 4996–5004.
Craig, M. T., Zhai, H., Jaramillo, P., & Klima, K. (2017). Trade-offs in cost and emission reductions between flexible and normal carbon capture and sequestration under carbon dioxide emission constraints. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 66, 25–34.
Hu, B., & Zhai, H. (2017). The cost of carbon capture and storage for coal-fired power plants in China. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 65, 23–31.
Craig, M. T., Jaramillo, P., Zhai, H., & Klima, K. (2017). The economic merits of flexible carbon capture and sequestration as a compliance strategy with the Clean Power Plan. Environmental Science & Technology, 51(3), 1102–1109.
Talati, S., Zhai, H., & Morgan, M. G. (2016). Viability of carbon capture and sequestration retrofits for existing coal-fired power plants under an emission trading scheme. Environmental Science & Technology, 50(23), 12567–12574.
Talati, S., Zhai, H., Kyle, G. P., Morgan, M. G., Patel, P., & Liu, L. (2016). Consumptive water use from electricity generation in the Southwest under alternative climate, technology, and policy futures. Environmental Science & Technology, 50(22), 12095–12104.
Zhai, H., & Rubin, E. S. (2016). A techno-economic assessment of hybrid cooling systems for coal-and natural-gas-fired power plants with and without carbon capture and storage. Environmental Science & Technology, 50(7), 4127–4134.
Loew, A., Jaramillo, P., & Zhai, H. (2016). Marginal costs of water savings from cooling system retrofits: a case study for Texas power plants. Environmental Research Letters, 11(10), 104004.
Roussanaly, S., Anantharaman, R., Lindqvist, K., Zhai, H., & Rubin, E. (2016). Membrane properties required for post-combustion CO2 capture at coal-fired power plants. Journal of Membrane Science, 511, 250–264.
Ou, Y., Zhai, H., & Rubin, E. S. (2016). Life cycle water use of coal-and natural-gas-fired power plants with and without carbon capture and storage. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 44, 249–261.
Zhai, H., Ou, Y., & Rubin, E. S. (2015). Opportunities for decarbonizing existing US coal-fired power plants via CO2 capture, utilization and storage. Environmental Science & Technology, 49(13), 7571–7579.
Zhai, H., & Rubin, E. S. (2015). Water impacts of a low-carbon electric power future: assessment methodology and status. Current Sustainable/Renewable Energy Reports, 2(1), 1–9.
Khalilpour, R., Mumford, K., Zhai, H., Abbas, A., Stevens, G., & Rubin, E. S. (2015). Membrane-based carbon capture from flue gas: a review. Journal of Cleaner Production, 103, 286–300.
Talati, S., Zhai, H., & Morgan, M. G. (2014). Water impacts of CO2 emission performance standards for fossil fuel-fired power plants. Environmental Science & Technology, 48(20), 11769–11776.
Zhai, H., & Rubin, E. S. (2013). Techno-economic assessment of polymer membrane systems for postcombustion carbon capture at coal-fired power plants. Environmental Science & Technology, 47(6), 3006–3014.
Zhai, H., & Rubin, E. S. (2013). Comparative performance and cost assessments of coal-and natural-gas-fired power plants under a CO2 emission performance standard regulation. Energy & Fuels, 27(8), 4290–4301.
Rubin, E. S., & Zhai, H. (2012). The cost of carbon capture and storage for natural gas combined cycle power plants. Environmental Science & Technology, 46(6), 3076–3084.
Zhai, H., Rubin, E. S., & Versteeg, P. L. (2011). Water use at pulverized coal power plants with postcombustion carbon capture and storage. Environmental Science & Technology, 45(6), 2479–2485.
Zhai, H., Frey, H. C., & Rouphail, N. M. (2011). Development of a modal emissions model for a hybrid electric vehicle. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 16(6), 444–450.
Zhai, H., & Rubin, E. S. (2010). Performance and cost of wet and dry cooling systems for pulverized coal power plants with and without carbon capture and storage. Energy Policy, 38(10), 5653–5660.
Frey, H. C., Zhai, H., & Rouphail, N. M. (2009). Regional on-road vehicle running emissions modeling and evaluation for conventional and alternative vehicle technologies. Environmental Science & Technology, 43(21), 8449–8455.
Zhai, H., Frey, H. C., Rouphail, N. M., Gonçalves, G. A., & Farias, T. L. (2009). Comparison of flexible fuel vehicle and life-cycle fuel consumption and emissions of selected pollutants and greenhouse gases for ethanol 85 versus gasoline. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, 59(8), 912–924.
Coelho, M. C., Frey, H. C., Rouphail, N. M., Zhai, H., & Pelkmans, L. (2009). Assessing methods for comparing emissions from gasoline and diesel light-duty vehicles based on microscale measurements. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 14(2), 91–99.
Zhai, H., Frey, H. C., & Rouphail, N. M. (2008). A vehicle-specific power approach to speed-and facility-specific emissions estimates for diesel transit buses. Environmental Science & Technology, 42(21), 7985–7991.
Frey, H., Rouphail, N., & Zhai, H. (2008). Link-based emission factors for heavy-duty diesel trucks based on real-world data. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, (2058), 23–32.
Frey, H. C., Rouphail, N. M., Zhai, H., Farias, T. L., & Gonçalves, G. A. (2007). Comparing real-world fuel consumption for diesel-and hydrogen-fueled transit buses and implication for emissions. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 12(4), 281–291.
Frey, H., Rouphail, N., & Zhai, H. (2006). Speed-and facility-specific emission estimates for on-road light-duty vehicles on the basis of real-world speed profiles. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, (1987), 128–137.